Maternity Clothes? yes, maternity jeans! I can still fit into a few pairs of regular jeans, but maternity jeans are so much more comfortable! I'm actually sportin' them in the picture this week.
Stretch Marks? nothing yet...
Gender? we find out TOMORROW folks!
Movement? nope. Going to this appointment will ease my mind too... because I am starting to wonder what's going on in there. I think we were spoiled with 4 ultrasounds within a 10 week span ;)
Sleep? Still not too bad. Sleeping with a pillow between my legs and that helps a little.
Food Cravings? I really can't say if this was a "pregnancy craving" or just a typical "Anna craving" (I love food way too much I think), but I wanted Doritos this week incredibly bad! I talked about them so much Kirby surprised me with some the other day.
What I Miss? I don't really miss anything.
Symptoms? Last night I had my first battle with indigestion and heartburn. At least that's what we think it was....
Best Moment Last Week? A fun moment this week was finding out that my students thought that the baby was coming out on Jan. 17. I told them about 5 weeks ago that on Jan. 17 Mr. King and I would know if it's a boy or a girl. I guess in a first graders mind that means the baby is coming out then. Duh!! How else would you know if it's a boy or a girl?!
Looking Forward to? if you've talked to me lately (or even read the blog lately) you could probably guess... getting to see if we are having a healthy baby boy or healthy baby girl tomorrow!