Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby shower in Charleston

I was so happy I was able to see my family and celebrate with Kelli at her baby shower yesterday!  We had brunch at a tea house and played a few fun games and watched Kelli open her gifts.  The guys stayed back at Lucy & Andrew's place and had a fish fry lunch with a fish the guys had caught the day before. 

We headed back to Lucy and Andrew's place to show Daddy (Roscoe) some of the gifts and watch him open a few of his own.  Then we took a walk down memory lane when Roscoe and Megan opened a box full of things from his childhood that my Aunt Crissy had saved. 

It was a beautiful day, so we all hung out at the pool for the afternoon to relax and catch up together. 

It means so much to me to be able to see my family and be a part of a special time in Roscoe and Kelli's lives.  I can't wait until next time we can all do it again. 
Maybe it'll be to celebrate another baby coming into the world... or... a wedding. Umm... 
Either one, I hope it's soon!

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