Thursday, October 25, 2012

another trip to the ER...

Since moving to the south, my husband has made it a habit of getting injured while doing some of his favorite hobbies.  A few years ago he broke some ribs surfing.  Not much later he broke his collar bone and arm longboarding.  So, last Tuesday I wasn't surprised hearing him walk through the house in his wetsuit, telling me not to worry, but he needs to go to the ER to get his face stitched up.  After trying to get covered up by a wave, his surfboard snapped back and gashed his face from the corner of his nose (he said he felt it "flapping").  I wanted to take him to the ER, but he said no since Kaden was sleeping and didn't want to disturb him.  He drove himself with a wadded up piece of toilet paper soaking up the blood.  When I asked later, he admitted to being light-headed while driving to the hospital from losing blood earlier.  The gash went almost all the way through to the inside.  Luckily, no nerve damage.  Seven stitches later, he was good as new.  Well, almost.  At least the ER doctor did a great job lining things back up!
Stitch Removal 101: who needs a doctor when a pair of scissors and tweezers will do?  (hmmm... I think he's done this before)...

1 comment:

Linds said...

oh my gosh. My stomach churned when you said "flapping". I would have passed out. Glad he's OK!