Well, not quite a blizzard. Not even a real snowstorm for that matter, but we did get a little snow here along the Grand Strand... the most they've gotten in quite a few years. It dominated the news stories all last evening. We ended up getting about 3" of accumulation here on the coast. By about 1:00 in the afternoon it was all gone. Being from the north, it was a nice treat for Anna and I to see.
Some pics and videos. Some serious, some not so much so. As always, click on the pic to enlarge...
6th South and Lotus...

Driving down Elizabeth St. to the beach...
Bye-bye palm tree...
A look up the beach at 6th South...
Anna's attempt at weather reporting...
Got bread? Got milk?...
My weather report...
Snowman on the beach?...
Pulling onto the beach...
The roads were so bad, everything was cancelled :-)...