Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas break memories

There are a few things I wanted to be sure to document from our break-
(then, that's the last of the Christmasy posts)
As I said before, Kirby and I couldn't wait for Christmas break this year!  We couldn't wait to play with our boy and spend quality time together as a family. 
...And we did just that!

1. gift to Mom and Dad-  Kaden "made" this at school for us.  The ladies were super excited and couldn't wait for us to open it.  Our first gift from our boy... so special.
2. playing with friends-  We went over to our friends' (Terra and Erik) for some football.  It was neat to see the kids "playing" together.  They might just be in the same class in a few years.

3. learning how to play dad's guitar-  He loves the guitar.  When we walk into the office (where the guitars hang on the wall), he leans that way and wants to play/touch it.  We finally got it down one day to let him explore.  As I finish writing this post... Dad's playing, while Kaden listens.  Love it.

4. visit from Ms. Janet- a co-worker/friend from school came over and met our boy for the first time.

5. swimmin' in the bathtub-  It's warmer here in SC than many states right now, but not warm enough for swimming yet.  So the boys put their trunks on and went swimming in the bathtub one day.  We even got out the kick board Kaden got for Christmas.

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