*Click on each number to link back to the old post.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Top 10 of 2010
*Click on each number to link back to the old post.
Besides eating, singing (haha), and hanging out with friends this holiday season, Kirby and I took out the old picture albums and reminisced on some good times as kids. When my family all gets together, we seem to always bring up some of the same memories. This for example..
We had just moved into this house and so my parents had the old neighborhood families and kids over for a 4th of July swimming party. My friend Crystal and I choreographed a dance routine to some patriotic song, made matching shirts (obviously only certain people got to wear them), and forced (not really... they all willingly participated) our younger siblings to debut our hard work to all the parents in the front lawn.
Looking back on my role as a big sister... I wasn't very nice. My girlfriends and I always had our brothers doing some sort of dancing, dressing up in costumes, or playing school (on non-school days).
This would be one of those many times. I laugh every time I see this picture! Adam obviously didn't mind too much at that age. One of the memories he remembers clearly is when he put on my pantyhose (by his choice) and slid around on our bathroom floor to clean it.
Oh the memories...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas in NMB- 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
goodbye Civic