Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A looong Tuesday

Yesterday was a long day of traveling! 
We got on the road after eating the best hotel breakfast ever and after about 8 hours of driving we stopped in Charlotte to see Kirby's sister.  She had  hip surgery yesterday and we got there just in time to help her into the car at the hospital.  Then, we went over to her house to be with her for a little bit.  She was doing great, so we got back on the road. 

We only had four hours left in the drive, but it ended up taking a little longer because of the rain.  We definitely needed the rain around here, but gosh... this rain was crazy!  Kirby had to drive because it was so bad (and because I don't drive well in the dark) and he said it was the worst rainstorm he had driven through in awhile.  It was scary!  Everyone had their hazard lights on and only drove about 40 mph.  After it stopped we thought it was over, but it happened again a few more times.  We finally made it home in one piece though!

After a jam packed weekend and a long drive home, you'd think we'd stay in and relax today.  Nope.  Neither one of us did.  I went to school around 11:30 and Kirby went surfing around 2,  We both just got home around 8:00. 
8 hours of organizing and cleaning my classroom 
6 hours of surfing for Kirby

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