Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's the difference...

between these two people?


10 more years of cooking experience.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

So let me tell you the story.  Today I decided I wanted to play "Betty Crocker" and cook us a homemade dinner and dessert.  And I should tell you, one recipe would have been enough for me to tackle... but I wanted to try two recipes.  Both, brand new...

Yeah, you can imagine how the story goes.

Well, I started off working on the Chicken Manicotti (while Kirby was cooking the chicken on the grill) and then while I waited for the chicken, I started working on the Black Bottom Cupcakes.  (shouldn't have done that)  So at this point, I was working on 2 brand new recipes at the same time.  Then this happened...

-I forgot the egg in the cupcake batter
-I broke a lot of the manicotti shells while they were boiling
-I burnt the bottom of the saucepan while making the cheese sauce

(In steps Kirby... to help his frustrated, not so "Betty Crocker" wife.)

-Kirby had to cut up the chicken, because I was working on fixing my sauce mess
-Kirby had to take over making the sauce
-I couldn't decide if the cupcakes were finished and put them back in the oven several times
-I managed to break all the other unbroken shells while stuffing them
-I noticed the manicotti recipe called for 2 baking dishes (which I didn't think we had)
-I realized we did have another baking dish after we started making it work with just one

Bottom line though: Dinner and dessert were great
(Even if I did need Kirby's assistance and cooking expertise.) 

I was going to post about our 3 year Blogiversary (which was actually June 8th), but I'll do that tomorrow instead.  Stay tuned ;)


Unknown said...

We have something else in common-I am not so great at cooking either haha!

The cupcakes look amazing and so does the manicotti! You did really good! BTW-love your apron!!

Ashley said...

how cute are you?? Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight! So neat that you have been following for so long, thank you for taking interest in my life, haha! =) Your sweet!

Nancy said...

It is okay if you don't follow the recipe exactly as long as it tastes good. I have been married 20 years and believe me I had a lot of flops along with some tasty dishes. I had a flop this week actually! And i know your husband is like mine, he will eat but but kindly suggest that we don't have that again! I have also discovered that I do not like to bake because the measurements are more critical.
I will pass on any new recipes I try this summer!

Kristin said...

You sound like me Anna!! The dishes look very delicious though!! You'll have to send them my way and let me try :)